Welcome to TimArn, a leading provider of comprehensive event marketing, device seeding services and logistics, and business consultancy services. We put our clients at the center of everything we do. We take the time to understand unique needs, goals, and challenges, allowing us to tailor our solutions and services to client´s specific requirements.

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    Reliable Partner

    Seamless Execution

We firmly believe in the power of building enduring relationships, anchored in trust, transparency, and open communication. Our unwavering passion and expertise enable us to empower businesses to reach their goals, enhance their brand presence, and foster sustainable growth.

We are committed to guiding our clients through their sales journey with unwavering support, innovative strategies, and actionable insights. Together, we can unlock new possibilities, navigate challenges, and achieve remarkable success. Let us be your trusted partner in propelling your business forward.


Our company provides holistic sales support services, covering sales strategy, marketing events, and sample device logistics. We assist sales teams in optimizing their approach, organizing impactful events, and creating compelling presentations that drive customer engagement and boost sales.


We offer customized marketing services to help businesses succeed in a rapidly changing marketplace. Our team of experts develops strategic marketing campaigns that effectively reach target audiences and drive impactful results. From branding and digital marketing to content creation and advertising, we provide comprehensive solutions to meet our clients’ unique needs.


We specialize in seeding services that allow IT corporations to send sample devices to potential customers. Our efficient and streamlined process ensures that the right products reach the right individuals, maximizing the chances of successful adoption. With our expertise in logistics and distribution, we handle the entire seeding journey, from inventory management to shipment tracking, ensuring a seamless experience for both our clients and their recipients.


We provide business consulting services to help organizations navigate complex challenges and achieve sustainable growth. From conducting thorough market research and competitor analysis to designing effective business strategies and implementing process improvements, we collaborate closely with our clients to drive positive change and unlock new opportunities.



At TimArn, we specialize in crafting exceptional events that leave a lasting impression. With our comprehensive event marketing services, we transform your vision into reality and create unforgettable experiences for your audience. Our experienced team works closely with you to develop a strategic event plan that aligns with your goals and objectives. From concept development through precise execution to post-event evaluation, we ensure every element is meticulously planned for maximum impact.

We offer comprehensive event planning services that encompass every aspect of your marketing event. From defining clear objectives and developing captivating event themes to creating detailed event timelines and outlining strategic approaches, our team will ensure your event is strategically aligned for maximum marketing impact.

We understand the importance of a well-executed invitation process in ensuring the success of the event. Working closely with you we suggest best ways and channels for delivering the invitations to maximize audience reach. Whether it's traditional printed invitations, personalized emails, or online RSVP platforms, we've got you covered.

Our experienced team will assist you in selecting suitable venues that align with your event vision and negotiate contracts on your behalf. We handle all logistical aspects, including room setup, audiovisual equipment, catering, transportation, and any other operational requirements to ensure a seamless experience for both you and your attendees.

We understand the importance of a strong and consistent brand presence throughout your event. Our creative experts specialize in event branding and design, crafting visually appealing event logos, designing eye-catching marketing collateral such as banners, brochures, and signage, and developing visually stunning presentations. We ensure your brand is consistently represented across all event materials for a cohesive and impactful presence.

Engaging content is the foundation of any successful marketing event. Our team will collaborate with you to develop compelling content that resonates with your target audience. We conduct thorough research on industry trends, identify thought-provoking speakers and panelists, curate interactive sessions and workshops, and ensure your event content is both informative and inspiring.

We leverage the power of digital marketing to amplify the reach of your event. Our experts will create and manage event websites, design, and implement targeted social media campaigns, develop captivating email messages, and utilize both online and offline advertising to increase event visibility and attract the right audience. Our comprehensive digital marketing approach ensures your event receives the attention it deserves.

Streamline your attendee management process with our efficient registration and ticketing services. We provide user-friendly online registration platforms, manage ticket sales, facilitate attendee tracking, and offer on-site registration support. Our goal is to simplify the registration process and provide a registration experience without queues for your attendees.

Maximize the impact of your event by securing valuable sponsorships and strategic partnerships. Our team will assist you in identifying potential sponsors and partners, creating attractive sponsorship packages, and managing relationships throughout the event lifecycle. By forging strong collaborations, we enhance event funding, increase industry collaborations, and create win-win opportunities for all stakeholders involved.

Leave the on-site management of your event in our capable hands. Our dedicated event management team will handle all logistics, coordinate event staff, oversee attendee registration, check technical equipment, and ensure the smooth execution of every detail. We are equipped to handle any unforeseen challenges.

Our commitment to excellence extends beyond the event itself. We conduct thorough post-event evaluation and analysis to measure the success of your event. We gather valuable feedback from attendees, track key performance indicators (KPIs), and provide you with a comprehensive report that includes insights and recommendations for future events. We believe in continuously improving and refining your event strategies for even greater success.

In response to the changing landscape, we offer tailored services for virtual and/or hybrid marketing events. Our team specializes in virtual platform selection, live streaming support, virtual booth design, interactive engagement features, and creating immersive online experiences. With our expertise in virtual event management, we ensure your virtual/hybrid events are engaging, impactful, and seamlessly executed.

We offer tailored accommodation services to meet the specific needs of event attendees. We provide a wide range of accommodation options to suit different preferences and budgets. From comfortable lodging options to conveniently located hotels, we ensure that your attendees have an enjoyable and hassle-free stay throughout the duration of your event.

We provide comprehensive medical services specifically for each type of event. With our dedicated medical staff available on-site throughout the event, you can rest assured that attendees will receive the necessary care and support in case of any medical concerns. In the event of more serious medical situations, our medical staff works closely with local medical facilities.



We specialize in seeding services that allow IT corporations to send sample devices to potential customers. Our efficient and streamlined process ensures that the right products reach the right individuals, maximizing the chances of successful adoption. With our expertise in logistics and distribution, we handle the entire seeding journey, from inventory management to shipment tracking, ensuring a seamless experience for both our clients and their recipients.

  • Loan & Giveaway Program Management

  • Stock Management, Physical Count and Sign-off of Assets

  • Purchase of New Devices & Accessories and PO Tracking

  • Internal Tool Management, Assets Onboarding / Recycling, Loan / Giveaway Setup, Loan Agreement Management

  • Internal Audit Support and Compliance, Questions and Follow-up

  • Ongoing Implementation of Policy Changes, Performance KPIs

  • Device / Accessories Management, Data Wiping, Re-imaging, Software Updates, Clean-up

  • Packaging and Shipping, Pro-active communication to minimize Overdue

  • Custom Reporting and Analytics, Weekly Status, Locations and Overdue Reports

  • Communication towards customers and Approvers, Trainings

Our service is highly customizable to meet the precise requirements of each customer, offering the flexibility to utilize internal tools for asset tracking and approval processes, manage both internal and external store-rooms, and cater to multiple countries with personalized documentation. The pricing structure is determined based on the volume of devices and accessories shipped annually, ensuring cost efficiency and scalability for our clients.



We offer a comprehensive suite of consulting services tailored for sales part of the organization in the IT industry. Our expertise spans across key areas of sales strategy, process optimization, incentive design, forecasting, demand planning, and sales performance and development. Our services are designed to help companies maximize sales efficiency, drive revenue growth, and foster a high-performance sales culture.

Sales Strategy

We work with sales professionals to define clear objectives, target customer segments, competitive landscape, identify key sales channels, and develop action plans that align with organizational goals and emphasize unique value proposition.

Process Optimization

We optimize sales processes to enhance efficiency, performance, and customer satisfaction. Our team assesses existing processes, identifies bottlenecks, and suggests improvements. With best practices and methodologies, professionals can boost cycle times, convert leads, and increase revenue.

Incentive Design

Collaborating closely with teams, we align goals, behaviors, and objectives. With expertise in sales compensation design, we create tailored plans that inspire high performance, provide fair recognition and appropriate rewards, enhancing motivation and engagement.


We consult on sales forecasting and demand planning to help professionals predict trends and allocate resources effectively. Using data, market trends, and seasonality, we develop accurate forecasts.

Demand Planning

Through demand planning, we ensure customer satisfaction and optimize efficiency. With our services, professionals make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and meet customer demands for increased revenue and satisfaction.

Sales Performance

We offer sales team performance evaluation and development services to enhance effectiveness. Our assessment covers key performance indicators, individual metrics, and team dynamics.

People Development

We design customized training programs and initiatives to enhance productivity for sales professionals. We continuously monitor progress to ensure ongoing development. With our services, professionals optimize team performance and achieve sales success.

In conclusion, our consulting services are specifically tailored to support sales teams within the IT industry. With a focus on driving revenue growth and maximizing sales efficiency, we offer comprehensive expertise in various aspects of sales strategy, process optimization, and performance development. Our team is dedicated to understanding the unique challenges and opportunities faced by the technology companies, allowing us to provide valuable insights and actionable recommendations.

By partnering with us, organizations can foster a high-performance sales culture, make informed decisions through accurate forecasting and demand planning, and achieve long-term success in the ever-evolving IT landscape. Let us be your trusted advisor as you navigate the complexities of the IT industry and unlock the full potential of your sales team.


Our team comprises highly skilled professionals who are passionate about what they do. Each of our professional team members has 10+ years of experience in their area of expertise. We stay up to date with the latest industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices to ensure that our clients receive innovative and effective solutions.

At TimArn, our mission is to provide secure and innovative services to our valued customers. With a strong focus on compliance and ethical conduct, we navigate the complex landscape of regulations to ensure the utmost protection of your valuable data. Our dedicated team understands the importance of regulatory compliance and ethical business practices, safeguarding your assets every step of the way.


Because we are


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